Investment Management for the Pre-Retirement Boomer
Click on this for explanation of Investment Management for the Pre-Retirement BoomerYour investment assets have grown to where they could possibly support your lifestyle in a partial or full retirement. There is uncertainty about the appropriate blend of assets (e.g. bonds, stocks, alternative strategies), the future sources of income, taxation, and, of course, a sustainable income level.

A great starting point is risk tolerance testing along with a review of your investment history and your current investment positions.

The asset allocation design process begins with our selection of an appropriate blend of asset categories (e.g. stocks, bonds, alternative strategies), a time tested (since 1991) probability study to test the allocation blend, and then, the investment selection process for both 401(k) choices and non-retirement assets. Our objective advice and asset selection is free from sales commissions and proprietary products.
We develop a retirement (full or partial) income strategy by identifying sources of income, tax bracket management, Social Security claiming strategies, and testing the sustainability of your income goal.

We help coordinate the custody of assets (i.e. maintain 401k or initiate an IRA rollover) and position assets to generate income.

We then monitor your portfolio, re-balance to your target blend, when needed, maintain tax sensitivity, and communicate with you during scheduled calls and meetings.
That’s it! Our investment management process is efficient, objective, and has been time-tested for generations.
Retirement Planning for the Pre-Retirement Boomer
Click on this for explanation of Retirement Planning for the Pre-Retirement BoomerPre-retirement thoughts could be characterized as anxious and filled with reasonable questions. “Do I have enough?” “Where will my income come from?” “What is a reasonable income goal?” “Will spending increase with more time on my hands?” “Will I be too cautious and deprive myself of things I have wanted to do?” “When do I take Social Security?”
The OFM Wealth Retirement Feasibility Study has helped generations of pre-retirees answer those very important questions. We will help to define income sources and goals, establish an appropriate asset allocation blend based on your risk tolerance, need for income, and taxation. We’ll review various Social Security claiming strategies as well.
We have seen pre-retirees both over and under estimate retirement income needs, buy unnecessary investment products, and most importantly, experience uncertainty after years of hard work. Our clients tell us “We don’t worry about this stuff anymore”. No need for you to worry either.
Estate Planning for the Pre-Retirement Boomer
Click on this for explanation of Estate Planning for the Pre-Retirement BoomerPre-retirement is a great time to visit or re-visit estate planning issues. It is almost as if estate decisions fit with lifestyle planning decisions.
There are two behaviors that are common to estate planning – procrastination about starting the process and relief when those documents are signed. Procrastination stems from the uncomfortable thoughts of disability and/or death, and the current financial/legal decisions that need to be made. We help with those decisions and coordinate with our clients’ attorneys.